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Installing WordPress using Puppet

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This post describes how to setup a basic web site running WordPress using Puppet 5. It assumes you are already running a Puppet server and you are using r10k with roles and profiles. This code was tested on CentOS 7.

TODO: Remove override attribute/add apache rewrite rules. Add Certbot.

We'll need these modules which are available from the Puppet Forge.

If you are using r10K, add them to the Puppetfile in your control repo.

mod 'puppetlabs-apache', '3.0.0'
mod 'puppetlabs-mysql', '5.1.0'
mod 'neillturner-wordpress', '1.2.2'

Create a new Puppet profile for WordPress. This example will install WordPress in /opt/wordpress.


class profile::wordpress {
  # set SELinux to allow apache to connect to mysql
  selboolean { 'httpd_can_network_connect_db':
    persistent => true,
    value => on,

  # install apache
  class { 'apache':
    mpm_module => 'prefork',
    default_vhost => false,

  # install php
  class {'::apache::mod::php': }

  # setup apache vhost for WordPress
  apache::vhost { lookup('profile::wordpress::apache_vhost'):
    port => '80',
    docroot => '/opt/wordpress',
    docroot_owner => 'apache',
    docroot_group => 'apache',
    override => 'All',

  # install packages needed by WordPress
  package { [ 'wget', 'php-mysql' ]:
    ensure => present,
  ->class { 'wordpress':
    version => '4.9.4',
    db_user => lookup('profile::wordpress::db_user'),
    db_password => lookup('profile::wordpress::db_password'),
    db_host => lookup('profile::wordpress::db_host'),
    db_name => lookup('profile::wordpress::db_name'),
    wp_owner => 'apache',
    create_db => true,
    create_db_user => true,
  # fix SELinux context on uploads folder
  ->file { '/opt/wordpress/wp_content/uploads':
    ensure => directory,
    seltype => 'httpd_sys_rw_content_t',

Add this profile to a new role or add it to existing roles. Your settings are managed with hiera:

profile::wordpress::db_user: myusername
profile::wordpress::db_password: mypassword
profile::wordpress::db_host: mydbhostname
profile::wordpress::db_name: mydbname

For more information, check out the following links: